I made a resolution to study late last night as I
didn't do much for the day... So after my dinner,
I straight away slept from 8pm to 9.30pm to get
enough rest. I normally average 5 hours of sleep
on weekdays. Took my bath and ate some oranges for
a healthy dose of Vitamin C.. Went online for a
while before starting studies. I decided to get
a extra boost so I took two packs of Old Town
3 in 1 Coffee and mixed it into a single cup...
When I started studying, my stomach felt funny...
It was then that I realised that I ate oranges
earlier on and it would have made my stomach empty
when I downed the coffee. So it left me with a
weird feeling as if something was rolling around in
my stomach.. felt like vomitting at a certain point
of time if I didn't sit up straight...
Continued studying till 3am before going down and
cooking a bowl of maggi mee to fill my stomach..
Went back up to sleep as I planned to to leave
house at 9am for the college library the next
morning... To my suprise I was wide awake.. couldn't
sleep and my mind was so active thought about lots
of stuff among them, renovating my room, my future,
how to improve my CV, my job employment prospects,
relationship stuff, friends, holidays and many
others which have slipped my mind.. Only started to
doze off at 7am but then i kept sleeping for a while
and then suddenly waking up in short cycles...
finally gave up and woke up at 8.15am.. Yup one and
a half hours of sleep... But I damn hyper... hitched
a ride from Alfred to college as he was doing
installation at Pantai Bangsar... Studied non stop
and I meant non-stop no usual dozing off and stuff..
Finally called it a day at 5pm and went home...
Upon arriving home straight away crashed on my bed
and slept from 6pm till 10pm. Then woke up and had
my dinner... and now onlining typing this...
The lesson for the day is... Old Town Coffee really
keeps u awake and when in need of staying awake
try this combo... take an orange or two and then after
2 hours, drink 2 satchets of coffee in a cup... its a
combo I know i'll avoid unless it is the nite before
my exams...lol...